I lied…

now I’ve got the flippin’ template straightened out.

I’ve revised the site banner, so if anyone reading this has a copy of it on their site for a banner list or exchange, you’ll need to download the new version. I’ll try to contact site owners individually, but I’m not sure where all copies of the banner are.

I’m having an interesting “trip down Memory Lane” as I review materials and assemble notes for some of the content that will be going up in the near future. Where, oh where is the “Vampire Community” hiding out these days? I’ve applied to a couple of webrings, pending approval from their mods. I’ve added a couple of sites to the links pages.

If anyone would like to suggest a site of their own that I’ve missed, contact me at realvamp[at]net1plus.com.

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I finally got the template straightened out–it’s probably working better than I deserve, given the seat-of-the-pants hatchet job I did slapping it together. I do appreciate the flexibility that Blogger.com gives users in customizing their blogs. Other blog servers make you pay for anything approaching it.

I’ve made some more updates to the links pages. I’ve added this site to the Occult 100 Topsites list, so go to the Search & Topsites page and vote for it, if you’re so inclined. I’ve added the Site Mission Statement and a few odds and ends. Much more content to come!

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And we have a launch!

Version 4.0 of By Light Unseen is now online and running! There’s much more to come, and some tweaking to do with this blog’s format and the links pages, but at least there are no more broken or outdated links on the site. I hope that people will be able to find the bookstore more easily; I’ve replaced the old store main page and Resources page with blank pages that automatically forward to the new store, in case people had those specific pages bookmarked and were getting lost. Woof, what a job! I’ve spent the last three days doing almost nothing else!

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Still tweaking the blog format

I’ve been working for a couple of hours on this blog, trying to get the formatting to match the rest of the pages. While I’m certainly pleased to have gotten the background graphics and header and nav bar to work, the problems with the text column being on the left and the text centered inside the column continue to baffle me. I was probably rather reckless in how I shredded the template, but I’ll keep working on it.

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